Summer Offerings 2016
Recertification Credits/Graduate Credit
Orchestra Triage

An Unconventional Approach to Building a Superior Orchestra Program

This week-long summer course offered through Drake University and the AEA 9 will be held in Bettendorf, Iowa. 
There are two 1 credit options for this course, a 2 credit and a 3 credit option

The morning 1 credit option will teach students foundational concepts for creating a strong classroom orchestra program and for working with a beginning orchestra class.  Students will learn about a philosophical construct called “The Flashy Continuum” and learn how to apply its concepts to their own classroom situation.  Students will participate in a variety of activity based learning modules for beginning strings and will practice and execute teaching strategies which can be used in the beginning string classroom.  Strategies will address most areas of the National Standards including singing alone and with others, performing on an instrument alone and with others, improvising, composing, reading and notating, listening and analyzing, and evaluating music performances.  Students will have the opportunity to observe and participate in the first five days of instruction of a small group(8-10) violin class.  The morning session will meet 8:30-12 June 27-July 1.

 The afternoon 1 credit option will teach students foundational concepts for creating a strong classroom orchestra program and for working with mid and upper level orchestra classes.  Students will learn the Henry Hierarchy and how to apply it to their own classroom situation.  Students will participate in a variety of activity based learning modules for mid and upper level string classes and will practice and execute teaching strategies which can be used in mid and upper level string classes.  Strategies will address most areas of the National Standards including singing alone and with others, performing on an instrument alone and with others, improvising, composing, reading and notating, listening and analyzing, and evaluating music performances.  Students will experience many new classroom techniques and how to apply them.    The afternoon session will meet 8:30-12:30 on June 27 and from 1:00- 4:30 June27-July 1.

The 2 credit option is a combination of the morning and afternoon courses and covers all aspects of creating an outstanding school orchestra program.   The course meets from 8:30-4:30 June 27-July 1.

There is some flexibility for the 2 credit option that will be offered by the teacher, but that will not be available on the registration site.  You could do the morning and evening sessions, or you could do the afternoon and evening sessions and receive 2 credits.  This may suit some students better than the official 2 credit option offered on the registration site of morning and afternoon sessions.

The 3 credit option adds individual case studies from the participants, rehearsal technique practice with the class, along with small ensemble playing of music favorites for the classroom.  The 3 credit course meets from 8:30-4:30 June 27-July 1 and from 6:00-8:30 June 27-30

Dates are June 27-July 1 


Hotel rooms are available for out of town guests at the Lodge just off of interstate 74.  Breakfast is included and there is complimentary shuttle service from the airport and to the AEA.  If you are in need of housing please contact Betsy Justice at AEA 9 563-359-1371 
Registration information will be available at the AEA9 website.
1 Cr $130/$200: 2 Cr $240/$380: 3 Cr $340/$550
You may click here for registration information